Episode 22: How Access to Users Affects Design | Dr. G

Welcome to the LabVIEW Experiment, turning LabVIEW Developers into LabVIEW Experts,
one episode at a time! We believe in the idea that failure is a step in the process to become successful.

What are we discussing today?

Bre Gentile (Dr. G) is a clinical psychologist dedicated to trauma-informed and restorative practices in user research and products & services design. After spending 10 years in clinical psychology working as a therapist, she pursued her passion for mental health tech. She is now the Senior Product Designer & Researcher at Center for Youth Wellness @ Safe Sound and is Founder and CEO of Dr. G’s Lab, a trauma-informed design consultancy.

In this episode Sam and Dr. G talk about the access to the end user and how that affects their design process. 

Don’t forget to watch, follow, and subscribe on YouTube!

Notes from today’s episode:

If you’d like to learn more about Dr. G:



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Episode 23: Measures of Success | Kabul Maharjan


Episode 21: Nothing is Ever 100% Secure | Chris Clark